
106 Keystone Ct 106, Woodbridge, Middlesex, 07095


Residence ★☆☆☆☆ 1
5 1

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  • No bigotry, we do not discriminate against anyone, neither should you.
  • Add photos, a picture is worth a thousand words.
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  • Be descriptive and detailed in your review, be that review good or bad. Your fellow renters will appreciate your honesty.
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  • - everyone deserves safe place to live.

1 thoughts on “Residence" It’s Time to Meet Safestan

Resident November 25, 2022

The Landlady is really difficult to deal with. She will be very nice on purpose but when you look forward to her to maintain any issue, she will show her true colors. She will never refund the full security, no matter how clean you keep it.