8624 San Joaquin Trail

8624 San Joaquin Trail, Fort Worth, TX, 76118


8624 San Joaquin Trail ★☆☆☆☆ 1
5 1

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1 thoughts on “8624 San Joaquin Trail" It’s Time to Meet Safestan

Resident May 19, 2023

The only reason I gave 1 star is because 0 wasn’t an option. There were so many things that went wrong but when mold was discovered in the shower tiles and they covered it up instead of replacing the shower!! When I told them the Certified Mold Inspector ($311- which i had to pay) verified it was mold, they both were yelling and arguing with me on the phone!! Long story short- since I shouldn’t have been allowed to move into begin with- I’m asking for refund of all moving and other expenses, along with deposits/ rent paid to the tune of $9k!!! They are scammers only caring about making money!! DO NOT RENT FROM THEM!!!