681 De Soto St E

681 De Soto Street East, Salt Lake City, UT, 84103


681 De Soto St E ★☆☆☆☆ 1
5 1

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  • Safestan.com - everyone deserves safe place to live.

1 thoughts on “681 De Soto St E" It’s Time to Meet Safestan

Robin Reno May 02, 2023

Do not rent this place. The landlord is absent and doesn't care about the property at all. The property manager/management company does nothing around the place and it's like pulling teeth to get anything fixed or taken care of. The sewer backed up on us twice, and was never fixed, just bandaided. The windows are single pane, so your heating/a/c bills are sky high. There is a bug problem- we had to pay for regular exterminators. We had lived there a month and discovered there was a roach problem. They will charge you a lot of money for a slum house. Do not rent from Julie Imazumi. Her property manager Thomas Williams never follows through with anything. This is a horrible place to live.