Dunn Wright Properties(DW) | Landlord Review

4024 Belle Grove Road, Baltimore, MD, 21225


Dunn Wright Properties(DW) | Landlord Review ★☆☆☆☆ 1
5 1

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  • Safestan.com - everyone deserves safe place to live.

1 thoughts on “Dunn Wright Properties(DW) | Landlord Review" It’s Time to Meet Safestan

M. Loving January 25, 2018

Dunn Wright(DW) properties are the worst!! They are a Do Nothing; half ass patch up demand money for minimal work. We lived on Jack above a neighbor that was a hoarder, feeding rats, his place smelled horrible, had mice, roof was never replaced just patched. Our bedroom ceiling caved in. They patched it up five times. Went to court for escrow. They lied that we were at fault for roof and a judge believe them. We never had a chance to show my bedbug bites, the conditions. It was horrible. Now we have a judgment.