12024 Lamanda St

12024 Lamanda Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90066


12024 Lamanda St ★☆☆☆☆ 1
5 1

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  • Safestan.com - everyone deserves safe place to live.

1 thoughts on “12024 Lamanda St" It’s Time to Meet Safestan

Anonymous March 16, 2023

Do not live here. Building management is nonexistent and needs to be replaced just like the whole building from lack of repairs. There is no maintenance done, the place is always dirty in the common areas. The building manager is seriously incompetent and doesn’t care about any of the tenants. It is so bad that we had to move but the other tenants are saying it’s getting even worse. Henry Lazo needs to be replaced with someone who knows what they’re doing and cares about the tenants and the property instead of just caring about money and being cheap